Assertions can be an excellent tool if you're looking for a way to increase the effectiveness of your debugging and testing processes. In the following lab, you will demonstrate the basics of using assert statements, including how to write logical statements and when to use assertion statements in your code.
Using the templated code provided, write an assertion statement where noted in the template code. The assertion statement needs to determine whether an integer input is below freezing using the phrase: "Colder than zero degrees Celsius!".
For example if the input is
The output to the console for your assertion statement will be the following:
Colder than zero degrees Celsius!
If the input is greater than zero degrees Celsius (note: this code is already provided):
The output to the console in Fahrenheit will be the following:
def CelciusToFahrenheit(Temperature):
#insert assert statement for, "Colder than zero degrees Celsius!"
assert Temperature > 0, "Colder than zero degrees Celsius!"
return ((Temperature*9)/5)+32
if __name__ == '__main__':
Temperature = int(input())
except AssertionError as msg:
***should it be ‘>’ or ‘≥’