With rate limiting, a unique IP address is restricted from making too many requests in a fixed period of time.
The code snippet below implements rate limiting using a "Token Bucket." Each time a message is received: the bucket is checked for tokens. If the bucket has 1 or more tokens, the algorithm removes one token and sends the message. If no tokens remain in the bucket, the algorithm drops the message.
Complete line #18 to finish the limit() function and ensure that the API only allows 5 messages per every 10 seconds.
See commented lines for detailed instructions.
When correct, this code should produce no output.
The output to the console will be the following:
(Your program produced no output)
import time
class Limiter:
def __init__(self, rate, per):
self.rate = rate
self.per = per
self.bucket = rate
self.last_check = time.time()
def limit(self, callback_fn):
current = time.time()
time_passed = current - self.last_check
self.last_check = current
# Finish line 18 by writing an expression that determines the value of the bucket
# Use the following variables in your expression: time_passed, self.bucket, self.rate, and self.per
bucket = # Insert your expression here
if (bucket > self.rate):
self.bucket = self.rate
if (bucket < 1):
self.bucket = bucket - 1
import time
class Limiter:
def __init__(self, rate, per):
self.rate = rate
self.per = per
self.bucket = rate
self.last_check = time.time()
def limit(self, callback_fn):
current = time.time()
time_passed = current - self.last_check
self.last_check = current
# Finish line 18 by writing an expression that determines the value of the bucket
# Use the following variables in your expression: time_passed, self.bucket, self.rate, and self.per
bucket = self.bucket + time_passed * (self.tokens / self.per)
if (bucket > self.rate):
self.bucket = self.rate
if (bucket < 1):
self.bucket = bucket - 1